Navigating the hybrid work era with Silen

Eva Maimre, Martin Kull
Reading time
~3 mins
Sustainability, Tips & Tricks, Products
Office pod on an outside terrace

The way we work has changed for good. Companies like Airbnb have led by example with their flexibility-first policy. By tapping into a global pool of talent and potential, they are redesigning offices and salary structures to support this flexibility. An increasing number of companies have announced their commitment to “embracing flexibility,” especially within a hybrid work model.

Beyond the office

Companies are reducing the number of personal workspaces, opting instead for more communal areas. Silen’s privacy rooms and room dividers form a single, well-thought-out entity. This allows individuals who come to the office to find a space where they can work quietly if needed, or to collaborate and socialize with colleagues. Essentially, Silen enables a scenario where not everyone needs their own desk. Instead, companies can create multiple micro-offices within a common area, accessible to everyone.

Flexibility unleashed

Hybrid work transforms the traditional workspace into a dynamic, flexible environment. Gone are the days of a one-size-fits-all office layout. With Silen’s modular design and office pods on casters, adapting to the day’s needs is effortless. Whether it’s accommodating a bustling crowd or just a few, the space evolves with people and occasions, ensuring peak efficiency and comfort at all times.


Modern offices have evolved beyond spaces where attendance is mandatory. They have become destinations where people genuinely want to be. This shift demands a design philosophy that embraces dynamism, providing an opportunity to create a cozy and constantly developing environment that lives and breathes with the team. Beyond echoing the brand’s colors, it enables companies with multiple locations to easily create synergy among their different offices.

Design thinking

In an office not bound by the tradition of personal desks, the setup must enable minimum time for adaptation. A modern workspace should radiate the comfort of home, ensuring you feel not just comfortable in your personal number of square meters, but connected and productive throughout the entire work environment from the moment you step in. The goal is to reduce onboarding time, allowing for immediate, meaningful contribution. The whole Silen’s lineup provides a versatile opportunity for this.


The modern office isn’t just about looks, it’s about being eco-friendly while being cool. Silen leads with carbon-neutral products, accessible privacy rooms, and using marine plastic fabrics. Our packaging too is fully recyclable. We’ve ditched the old ‘take, make, dispose’ approach for a greener model of recycling, reusing, and repurposing. With Silen Rent, sustainability meets affordability, offering eco-conscious privacy solutions that are easy on the wallet. 

More than work

The modern hybrid office is a space for both productivity and community vibes. It’s a place where laughter and chill moments flow freely, without stepping on your colleagues’ toes. Silen’s solutions offer the flexibility to either bring the celebration into the booth or seek solitude away from it. It’s also vital to have areas for rest and meditation, where people can recharge. This is where our award-winning MindSpa comes into play, offering some solo zen time.

It’s about the flexibility to work where and how we perform at our best. Check out the full lineup of Silen’s phone booths, meeting pods and office room dividers to supercharge both your solo and teamwork!

We’re all eyes and ears for your questions! Click here to ask away.


Martin Kull
Eva Maimre


Eva Maimre
Eva Maimre

Silen Brand Ambassador, Investor and a Strategic Marketing & Growth Leader. With a background at Google and Lufthansa, she writes about workspace wellbeing, ESG impact and office space innovation. Connect with Eva on LinkedIn.

Martin Kull
Martin Kull

COO and Global Growth Manager at Silen, with 20+ years of furniture industry expertise in growth and sales strategies, and award-winning product design. He shares insights on workspace innovation and sustainability. Connect with Martin on LinkedIn.